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而且,暗恋最美妙之处在于,在暗恋者的心中,对方是何其美好。那种想要接近又不敢接近,想要得到又怕拒绝的复杂感觉,其本质是对美好事物的一种默默追求。所以说暗恋最有品质的地方就是成就最好的自己 ,在不断追逐他(她)的步伐中,持续不断地让自己变得优秀。


























There is an ancient Chinese poem:“There is wood in the mountains, wood grows out the branches, and a heart that pleases you, but you do not know. High mountains are accompanied by vegetation, trees have branches twining. I like you, but you do not know! The love of the singer is sweet and astringent, which goes through the river of years, and after a thousand years, it can still let us moved, thus we can see the power of secret love is not what you and I can imagine.”

What's more, the most wonderful thing about secret love is how beautiful the other person is in the heart of the secret admirer. The feeling of wanting to be close but not being brave enough to get close, and the complex feeling of wanting to get but being afraid of rejection, is essentially a kind of silent pursuit of good things. So, the most quality of secret love is to let us become a better ourselves. In the constant pursuit of his or her pace, we continue to make ourselves better.

I share a classic crush story: Guo Xiang met Yang Guo at the ferry, which delayed her life. This is about the life of Guo Xiang, which is not only the end of the book 《The Return Of The Condor Heroes》, but is also the beginning of the book 《The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber》. For the lovesickness, that spoony girl riding a donkey through most of the central plains looking for Yang Guo. On her way, she met many top kung fu masters and learned their kung fu all. What's more, she spent her whole life learning to build the top martial arts four elephant palm. At the same time she founded one of the six schools -- the Emei school, which is tied for shaolin, Wudang, Kunlun, Kongtong, Huashan .

The power of a crush makes a 16-year-old girl become the grandmaster who built a faction step by step. In fact, we can also learn from the perspective of quality. This is the SMART principle for achieving goals:

1. Specific places (everywhere Yang Guo may go to: the Jue Qing valley, ancient tombs, Wan Huaao, Feng Ling ferry, Shaolin, Wudang, the holy land of martial arts, etc.)

2.Measurable (Guo Xiang rode a donkey to ask the people she met to find out the whereabouts of Yang Guo).

3.Attainable (as Guo Jing and Huang Rong's daughter, she is exquisite. She is skilled enough to walk the world.)

4. Related(Yang Guo is passionate and righteous, chivalrous and strong in martial arts, so Miss Guo Xiang is learning while walking, constantly improving her personality charm and martial arts attainments)

5. Time-based. (As time goes by, Yang Guo is over 60 years old.)

Quality is around us. Guo Xiang, who has been looking for Yang Guo for many years, finally built Emei school after a thorough understanding. Therefore, to love and admire a person, the best ending is not to possess, but to grow into a better self. In fact, each of us has his or her own favorite person or thing, which means that we all have goals. In order to achieve this goal, we can also use the smart principle to formulate a series of specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based small goals. Through these experiences, even if you can't marry him (her / it), you can finally achieve your best self!


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