
像极了天堂 / Just Like Heaven 词曲 Lyricist & Composer:芙赛以撒 Fusay Isak、曾晨恩 Yusifu Pulu、高承恩 Kevin Gao、高治军 Jackson Gao 中译英 Translator:宋怡萌 Joy Sung 主领 Worship Leader:芙赛以撒 Fusay Isak 在基督裡面 我知道我是谁 Abiding in Christ, I know who I am 我虽像尘土像灰 你竟然顾念 Though I’m but dust and ash, still You care for me 因你的恩典 蒙拣选蒙恩惠 It is by Your grace, I’m chosen I am blessed 是你的爱先才能 在地如在天 It’s You who loved me first, bringing heaven on earth 在基督裡面 我有你的眼界 Abiding in Christ, I have Your eyes to see 大地虽交替更迭 你拯救世界 The earth may shake but Your salvation reigns 现在到永远 不疲乏不困倦 Here till eternity, we won’t grow weary 因你的真理就是 复兴的关键 For Your truth is the key to our revival 在基督裡面 蒙拣选蒙恩惠 Abiding in Christ, I’m chosen I am blessed 是你的爱先才能 在地如在天 It’s You who loved me first, bringing heaven on earth 找到了根 找到了身分 Found where we start, found who we truly are 美好事的发生 可以如此的单纯 Beautiful things can happen as we come just as we are O hi ye yan Matiya i kakarayanay (像极了天堂) (Just Like Heaven) O hi ye yan Matiya i kakarayanay (像极了天堂) (Just Like Heaven) O hi ye yan Woo~ hey Sa!